
Showing posts from December, 2013

Monday Weigh In

I was sort of dreading today's weigh in. Everything seemed to coincide at one this week. After almost 5 months of huge steady losses I have reached the point of the slow small losses. I have been waiting for my plateau because I will surely hit one at some point. So far I haven't, but I have definitely slowed down on losses over the weeks. Mainly because I have reached a point in my weight that I don't have much to lose anymore, I have already lost the bulk of it. (In record time I might add) so, I really can't complain about anything! Also this week, routine was all out of whack. Between my husbands birthday, nephews birthday, Christmas and my daughters birthday things were a little chaotic. I switched my rest days around which looking back I shouldn't have done. While I did good resisting most temptations, I did eat a cupcake (or 2) after my little ones party. There. I admitted it. I ate cupcakes, and for that... I am sorry! Lol So, for all those reasons I

My Favorite Shakeology Recipe

Call me a creature of habit if you must, but I have the same thing for breakfast just about everyday! It is my absolute favorite way to start my mornings to keep me on track all day long. It has even put this former coffee addict into reform! Gives me energy all day, fights of hunger and cravings.. it is just plain amazing. It really is! It is also extremely convenient for folks on the go in morning, or rushing to work through lunch, it is a quick, easy, healthy and tasty meal that is good on the go! I give you Heaven in a cup! Nutty Butter Shakeology!  What goes into this delicious shake? 1/2 banana 1 TBSP all natural peanut butter 1 cup almond milk 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology On a health, taste and convenience level, this can't be beat! I did the math, this recipe gives me OVER half of my daily protein requirements! That is pretty darn impressive!  Want to give Shakeology a try? Email me at for more info. Or visit  www.shakeolog

P90X3 excitement!

I have been pretty excited for the start of my P90X3 test group. About 2 years ago when I was on yet another yoyo diet I gave the first P90X a try.  As much as I enjoyed Tony's jokes I was not taking it seriously or utilizing access to a coach or my free team beachbody account and ended up dropping off 2 weeks in. I thought "what difference will it make. Those wont really help me anyway". Fast forward to today, Oh how WRONG I was!! Having a coach DOES make a difference, using your free team beachbody account WILL help.   Now that I have really committed myself to a healthy lifestyle, I get so giddy when I get to try a new program! I shamelessly stalk Chalene Johnson's and Shaun T's instagram hoping for a glimpse of their new programs they have been working on. Most people would be starstruck running into Ben Affleck, I would be running Tony Horton... or Chalene Johnson.. or Shaun T.. or.. any beachbody trainer really! So of course when P90X3 got rel

Quick and Easy Meal for under 400 calories!

After a long day of work, or taking care of kids who wants to spend a lot of time cooking dinner? I sure don't!   It is not a secret, I do not enjoy cooking. I go for what is simple to put together and quick to cook. One reason I love this recipe! Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes Ingredients: 1 green pepper 1 small onion Brown Rice (used minute brown rice for this one) 2 eggs Turkey Kielbasa I like to add a little garlic powder for extra flavor. I will sometimes also add some salsa in while cooking the veggies. Make it your own to suit your tastes! Begin cooking rice as directed and cooking kielbasa on stove top. I do not use any oil, just a light spray of cooking in the pan. While those are cooking I start chopping my onion and slicing the pepper into small slivers. Once the Kielbasa is cooked (you can get pre cooked making cooking time even faster), add onion and peppers to pan and continue cooking until veggies are cooked to your liking. By

Insanity/Shakeology Review + Before and After pictures!

I started the Insanity fitness program on August 5th 2013 and I completed the program on October 18th 2013. Here are my incredible results and an in depth look at where I started and where I finished. Mentally, physically and spiritually.  1.  Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? ~My biggest weight struggles started back in December of 2009 when my beautiful little girl was born! Having 24lbs of pregnancy weigh didn't seem so bad, but for some reason instead of losing it I went the other way. By my daughters 2nd birthday I was almost THIRTY pounds heavier than I was the day she was born. Before I started Insanity (August 2013), I was overweight (ok, obese.. there I said it, I was obese!) over tired, over sized for my clothes, and just OVER being stuck in my own body. I felt like a prisoner of my own body, it was miserable! I looked 10 years older than I was, I am only 26 for crying out loud! I was still w

Transformation Tuesday!

Last week on my facebook page:  , I posted this picture of my transformation. Since this blog is new I will go over the stats again :) These results from August 5th  I lost 55.2 lbs, 64 1/2 inches, and 20% body fat!  Following Insanity and 4 weeks of T25, and drinking Shakeology. Obviously big changes from head to toe. So lets take a closer look shall we? This week 3.9 more pounds were added to the loss! This week was also the week I passed my goal! So, what am I going to do now? I set a new goal of course! Striving to better myself! So, a closer look. Am I the same person?!   Lets be honest here, weight affects more things in your life that just the number on the scale. For me, it affected my outlook on life. I felt miserable and it showed. You could read it all over my face. In fact, one of the compliments I have gotten most during this weight loss journey has not just been "you look great", its been something eve

Are You Ready For Some Good Ol Tony Horton One Liners?

I know I sure am! Lucky for us, the official release of P90X3 is only hours away!! What sets P90X3 apart from the previous programs? Biggest difference.. Time! P90X3 is only 30 minutes a day! Also,  This is not a graduate program. It doesn't matter if you have never done P90X before, this program is for everyone! Still not sure? Here are some of the results from P90X3!   Amazing right?! Lets not for the coach exclusive offers! Coach exclusive, meaning you will NOT get this offer on the beachbody site! Free dvd extra, free P90X3 hat and Free shipping on Challenge packs! Are you ready to commit and get results?! Go to Register for your free account and to purchase P90X3 as soon as it is available!