Infertility update- what's happening now?

I know I haven't updated in a while on this front. As anyone whose been through fertility treatments knows, it's a slow drawn out process.

What has happened since last update? After our 3rd failed cycle, I had the HSG test done. Which is a dye test with live x-Ray to check for open tubes. While they told me it wouldn't be painful and I went in there with the mindset it wouldn't hurt... It was horrible. Lol. I broke out in a drenching sweat, i was involuntarily kicking me feet and I was breathing like I was in labor because it was quite painful for me. Some people have a breezy experience. I was so hoping that would be mine... Thusly it was not. Lol

However, I am glad we did the test because that test may have gotten us one step closer to an answer. Here's why:

I dislike making videos. I feel awkward and I tend to ramble on because I feel so awkward lol. But, it was just way easier for me to explain it all in a video. So, here it is. 
I mis-spoke. My procedure is the day BEFORE Thanksgiving, not after. I also forgot to add in we discovered my LH (ovulation hormones) levels are low.
also yes, I was pronouncing it wrong and I have now learned to right way to say it! haha

So, tomorrow bright and early I will be heading in for my surgery. Hysteroscopy, D&C and polypectomy. If you could send a little positive vibes or prayer our way for a smooth procedure and some answers! 


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