21 Day Fix Results

As you know, I decided to do full cycle of the 21 Day fix to prep myself for the extreme!! 

The 3 weeks didn't go by without trouble that's for sure! So, let's take a look by the week and my end results! 

Week 1 was amazing! I was on point, never missed a workouts and ate like a champ! My results clearly reflected that!! I also had just been given an upped does if my thyroid medication this week. My levels had been getting worse even though I was taking my medication regularly. I just wasn't responding  to the old dose anymore so they upped my dosage. That may have also helped me this week! 

Week 2 was just as great as week 1! My loss wasn't as big as week but, after a huge loss last week I honestly expected a smaller loss than this for this week! So I was thrilled!

Week 3 was a bust! I ended up with a cold and wasn't able to workout. I also ate a lot of starches bc my throat was hurting so I only ate soft foods. A loss is a loss though! Since I really wasn't able to do week 3 workouts, I decided to go ahead and repeat week 3.

Week 4 proved to be worth the extra week!! I was astonished with my loss for the week! My jaw literally dropped when I stepped on the scale! Which made me end results for the program over 15lbs!! 

Can we say a success?! Lol I had some skeptics not believe my results. So, here's my "proof picture" 

You can really see it in my face!


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