Summit 2015, amazing experience!!

So, if you follow me on Facebook at all got probably noticed I kept talking about going to Nashville for something called summit. Let me tell you, it was amazing! 

But, what is the beachbody summit? It's an annual event where beachbody coaches from all over come together for workshops, trainings, keynote speakers and live workouts with celebrity trainers. Not only that, to connect with fellow coaches! To broaden our network and learn from the best! 

Traveling makes more excuses to eat poorly. Given this was a health conscious seminar, I really made sure to keep on track! So, I packed a cooler full of all this stuff to keep snacks and meals on point! 
10 hour drive landed us at Music City Center in Nashville!
The first day was a bit of a whirl wind! We got started our trip by a little shopping at the core! What's the core? A beachbody store! I was able to buy the entire performance line before it was released to the public! Which my husband has been waiting for! Lol we then had a live workout with Chalene Johnson for a PiYo workout! It was awesome! Ended the night with opening ceremonies at LP field where we heard about some amazing new products! 
Day 2 started bright and early with a Shaun T love workout where we did his newest program, Cize! 
Unfortunately for me, after general sessions I was hit with a horrible migraine! (Thank you progesterone supplements). So, I hung back at the hotel for a bit to get it to pass! Made it back in time to hear some amazing lectures! After that- beachbody Classic!
The beachbody Classic is a body physique competition of people who got their results only using beachbody programs. It was hosted by the beast himself, Sagi Kalev! It was awesome seeing him up close like that! 

After the classic we had some time to explore the city! Hit up some local places,  hear music and take in Broadway! Also saw this pretty awesome sign! Lol 
If we want to talk bright and early, let's talk super workout! We were in Broadway street before the sun even came up for largest workout event! This workout was ran by every celebrity trainer at summit. It was also a great excuse for me to try out the new performance line supplements! 
I discovered I'm a bit messier than some lol 
We ended the event with closing ceremonies at LP field. We got to see the $100,000 grand prize winner for the beachbody challenge (amazing transformations), see the millionaires clubs (coaches have earned a million or more) and finally watch the leader of my team, Melanie Mitro be awarded Top coach! It was a surreal and amazing experience!

Want to join me at summit next year?! 

The super workout was recorded and when I went to watch the play back I spotted myself. Falling over during a Piyo move šŸ˜‚ haha hey, that's ok! I showed and I worked hard! Who cares if I stumbled a little along the way ;)


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