Bump diaries- week 16!

How far along? 16 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss? No gain, no loss! Though I look like I've gained substantially lol the scale hasn't budged. Woot woot! 
Maternity clothes? Yes. Since 12 weeks lol. No need to be in uncomfortable tight clothes if you don't need to be ;) 

Stretch marks? Not yet though expect it to happen eventually. 

Sleep? Awful!! I'll fall asleep quickly for about 2 hours then I wake up and can't go back to sleep the rest of the night. It's rough! 

Best moment this week? Feeling the first kick! Best feeling :) 

Miss Anything? Well, we're going to TN in a few days and I must admit skipping out on the winery with my favorite local wine I'll miss but the pay off is worth it! 

Movement? Barely just starting but I'm definitely noticing it!

Food cravings? Root beer and spicy California rolls.. Mmmm.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Basically anything i ate during the first trimester when I was really sick just doesn't settle well. 

Have you started to show yet? Yes! If you know I'm pregnant you can definitely tell! If you didn't you may question if I've just been hitting the carbs a little hard lately lol 

Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Nope, better not happen for a while! 

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody, moody, mood. Lol keeping it real. 

Looking forward to? Hopefully feeling more movement in the coming weeks! 
Baby is the size of an avocado this week!


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