Gender Reveal!

I've neglected this blog over the past few months, my apologies!

I'll give a pregnancy update soon too but, today wanted to take a minute to share some exciting news! 

At 12 weeks I had a newer blood test done called the harmony test. This is a maternal blood draw that picks up fetal DNA to test for Down syndrome, trisomy and as a bonus- can also pick up the baby's sex chromosome. It can be done as early as 10 weeks. 

We waited until 12 weeks because we weren't sure if we were going to have it done or not. After making sure insurance would pay for it and if not, the company would give us a write off for it (it's a $2,000 test out of pocket and 9/10 insurance will NOT cover this test unless you are high risk. Which I'm not) we gathered that info and decided to give the test a go! 

At my 13 week check up the doctor informed me the test results were in but came back as inconclusive. Which meant I just didn't have enough fetal DNA in my blood to be readable. So, they gave it another try. The results can take up to 2 weeks to get a result so the waiting began. 

A week later my impatience got the best of me and I called my doctors office to see if my results were in. They were! Initially they weren't going to read them to me over the phone but after a little prodding (on my side) they had the doctor on duty that day read them. 

Everything came back low risk for any genetic problems! And the baby's sex?


We're having a boy!! 
Savannah had been wanting a boy so badly! She screamed with excitement when we told her! She keeps telling everyone "I'm going to be a big sister to a little mister!"

Cannot wait to see her with her baby brother. My heart will probably explode! Lol


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