Bump Diaries- Week 17 and Vacation

How far along? 17 weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss? Still No gain, no loss! Though I look like I've gained substantially lol the scale hasn't budged. Woot woot! 
Stretch marks? Not yet though expect it to happen eventually. 

Sleep? Sleep has been a little better this week! It could just be because we've been running ourselves crazy lol 

Energy? Has been pretty normal! We hiked over 70 floors up a mountain to a waterfall this week and I felt pretty good doing so!

Best moment this week? Feeling this little fluttering around on a mountain at the waterfall!

Miss Anything? Coffee! I know 1 cup of coffee a day is considered safe during pregnancy but, I am overly cautious and have eliminated it entirely. My husband makes coffee everyday and oh the smell... lol  

Movement? Barely just starting but I'm definitely noticing it more and more!

Food cravings? Oddly enough, for some reason my morning sickness has decided to return so no cravings this week!

Anything making you queasy or sick? All day nausea has returned so just about everything lol

Have you started to show yet? Yes! If you know I'm pregnant you can definitely tell! If you didn't you may question if I've just been hitting the carbs a little hard lately lol 

Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? Nope, better not happen for a while! 

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody, moody, mood. Lol keeping it real. 

Looking forward to?  I am a little over a week away from our big anatomy scan! While we already know the sex I am still excited to see the little guy moving around on the sonogram!
Baby is the size of a Turnip this week!

Now some pictures from our short little vacation to the smoky mountains!

Not a real outhouse but funny anyway lol


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