Can't control what you refuse to Acknowledge, Secret Eating Habits!

Weight loss is about honesty, you can't control what you refuse to acknowledge!

The other day I had a discussion with some of my challengers about secret eating habits. Let's not play coy, you know what I'm talking about ;). Those trips to the drive thru, late night snacking, sneaking a candy bar on the way home from the store, extra can of soda, grabbing that donut at work after eating your regular breakfast, trip to the vending machine after lunch.. Whatever it may be let's be totally honest, we have all done this at one point or another. 

What makes them secret eating habits? It's not so much that we eat them secretly, it's the fact that they are totally over looked and un accounted for in our calorie consumption. We have these moments and we want to pretend they never happened so we don't count the extra calories.  It's important to not only count the calories but also, to acknowledge what we and did and even try to decide why we caved in. 

Who has at lne point thought or said "I don't know why I'm not losing weight, I have eaten good all week"? Me me ME!! I know I'm not the only one either! So, let's just be blunt here, we most likely didn't eat healthy. We have to be honest with ourselves, we are not losing weight because we are not eating properly and most likely not exercising. That's just the honest truth. I am totally guilty of this. I get mad and blame the program if I don't lose but the truth is I wasn't on point with my nutrition. I wasn't counting some of my calories, I wasn't eating proper portions and I wasn't doing my workouts like I was supposed to.

How many of you are guilty for thinking drinks and condiments don't count?! I know a lot but, that's a HUGE error! Coffee drinks, juices, alcohol, milk, the cream and sugar you add to coffee, soda.. Mayo, ketchup, butter, salad dressings etc. They are all loaded with calories  and often times totally forgotten about when it comes to counting calories consumed. It's not just the candy bar that was snuck in the car, it's also the energy drink that washed it down and the dressing on the salad.. 

So what do we do to fix this?! We ban together! Find an accountability partner, keep a food journal of every single thing you consume, plan ahead so you're not left hungry and grabbing whatever you can find to snack on. 

Most importantly, be honest with yourself! Did you eat that candy bar on the way to soccer practice? Mark it down, Acknowledge the calories and maybe even your state of mind at the time! You may find you aren't eating out of hunger, you could be eating out of emotion or boredom! I do that a lot.. Making a note of it definitely helps to work on the problem!

Don't get discouraged. Nobody expects perfection! It is about progress! Everyone will have a slip up, a bad day or a secret burger (no? Just me?!). You don't have to broadcast it, you just have to be honest with yourself about it! 


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