Where have I been? How I seek balance..

If you have me on Facebook you may have noticed to a lag in my postings. My general lack of knowledge with anything going on in the world. Its not because I haven't been keeping up with my challengers and helping others but, because it has been my busy season for my other job. My photography business!

I have been blessed with another amazing season of business. Many repeat clients and many brand new clients! 

I thought I would share with you how I balance (or don't balance 🙅) my time to make sure I get the essentials done while still staying involved in my family! 

Balancing 3 jobs (coaching, photography and home day care) while being a wife and mother trying to take of myself as well can get pretty tricky and very tiresome. When I am with my family, I am unplugged. That, is a none negotiable for me. Working sometimes means taking time away from family, I won't take even more time by being distracted with my phone or tablet.  Which leaves less time for social media but, I am always open for communication! Even if I can't keep up on Facebook sometimes! 

The craziness sometimes can also lead to missed time elsewhere.. In my workouts 🙈 yes, it does happen. When I am up to the wee hours editing photos I lose track of time. My husband gets up at 3am to go work. There have been many times I am crawling into bed as he is getting up, knowing my first kid of the day for my home day care gets dropped at 7. See why I'm not a morning person? lol
Once busy photo season is over I do have the goal to transition to a morning workout. I know getting up and getting it done early on will be so helpful! I just can't do it when I'm not getting to bed until 3 😁. So, that means my workouts have been getting done at random times, usually rushed, sometimes skipped and just not as strong as I could be doing them. This is why having a schedule is so important for reaching your goals! As a photographer appointments change, weather changes plans and schedules can go completely haywire but, having a general time frame in mind will help tremendously! 

Nutrition? Fugghet about it! (in my Brooklyn accent)  Just kidding- this one is easy: meal planning! Seriously, it's a life saver! I spent 1 hour of my time yesterday prepping a weeks worth of smoothie bags (what up smoothie shakeology detox!). 1 hour and now my entire week is set! A little planning goes a long way!

While I am silently and speedily scrolling through the news feed late at night half awake, I am always still here for my challengers and coaches! 

Speaking, they have also been some of my photography clients as well!


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