3rd times a charm.. Right?!

I'm sure you picked up by the title of this post, that Our 2nd round of fertility treatments were also unsuccessful.

Disappointed? Abso-freaking-lutey! 

This round we had higher hopes. We were level headed with round one knowing the odds were against us with success first round out the gate. But, we did let our hope sneak into our 2nd round. 

Why did we have higher hopes for round 2?
💠We knew what to expect- first round was a bit of a guessing game. This time we knew exactly what we were doing and did everything we possibly could to make it succeed. 
💠I responded better this round. This time I had 3 mature follies (compared to my 1 from our first round)
💠I was ridiculously consistent with timing my medications precisely this round as well. 

So why didn't it work? Nobody knows. That's the frustrating part of this roller coaster, there is no rhyme or reason to it. All we can do it take the medications, follow instructions and pray for the best. The rest is up to Mother Nature.  

I blame the pharmacist. He jinxed me I tell you. When I went to pick up my trigger shot he said "see you next month!" I thought to myself "lord I sure hope not!".. So it was definitely him. He jinxed it.. (kidding obviously) lol gotta find the humor folks ;) 

Where do we find comfort with each passing negative?

Right there! She makes it equally easier and harder for us. Harder, because she's amazing with a huge heart and it kills us we can't give her the sibling she wants so badly. Easier, because she's our love bug! She brings us joy in every day! I honestly can't imagine how we would be getting through this if we didn't already have her! 

Infertility is hard. Really freaking hard! An experience I used to read others talk about and I thought "it's not that bad. It's not that big of a deal" boy did karma come to bite me in the tail. I was so so wrong! It is THAT bad! 

So what's next?
We keep on trucking! We will do one last round of this treatment before seeing where we go next. Will 3rd time be our Charm? I don't know. I really don't. 

I can say, we have hope! 


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