Motherhood Series- Part 2 Ashley

Todays mom series comes to you to a girl I share a lot in common with! Not only our names but we both share the same heartbreaking yet very misunderstood secondary infertility! I had so much fun photographing this amazing mama and her beautiful girl Hannah! (sounds like my little ones nickname Bannah.. just another little thing we have in common hehe). Here is her great story!

Tell us a little bit about your journey to motherhood: My husband and I knew we wanted to wait for 3 to 5 years after we were married to start a family. Unexpectedly, we were pregnant right at the 3 year mark! We were both very excited but unfortunately, I miscarried at 14 weeks. We decided to squeeze in some travel and spend another two years being just us before we started a family. Two months after our 5th wedding anniversary, we were pregnant with our daughter. It was a healthy and wonderful pregnancy! When our daughter turned 2, we decided that it was time for another one. We figured that it would be just as easy as the first. Unfortunately, 4 years later, we are still praying for our second child.
Think back to your life before kids, how did you picture motherhood? 
I pictured the joys of watching and helping our children through each milestone of life. Their first words, their first steps, enrolling them their first activity. But you really can’t picture the depth of true joy until you are there.

Is your reality of motherhood how you pictured it would be? 
I knew I would love being a mother. However, the depth of responsibility and love you have for your child cannot be understood until they are placed into your arms.
Describe your feelings the day you became a mom:
 I was a few days shy of 43 weeks pregnant and after 36 hours of labor I was ready for her to be in my arms. My feelings when I first held her was relief that the waiting game was over. She was finally here! Then, looking at her cubby face and into her gorgeous eyes was an instant, deep love that this was my daughter.
tell us your funniest parenting moment? 
The funniest parenting moment so far is when she was about a year old. She stubbed her toe while swimming and had the smallest scratch. We put a Band-Aid on her toe as she asked even though it was not necessary. As with most small owies, she quickly forgot about it. However, each time she would see the Band-Aid, she would limp and say “Owie. Owie.”
tell us your grossest moment? 
Grossest moment of parenting was here recently. Little woke up in the middle of the night not feeling well so she crawled into bed with us. Within a few minutes, she sat up quickly and started throwing up all over the bed. It was not just once, but multiple times and was going everywhere. My husband ran to the kitchen to get a bowl and I kept trying to catch it in my hands and shirt. Funny the automatic reactions we have when you become a mother. Not many people out there I will catch throw up for in my hands and shirt.
What scares you the most about raising your children in the world today? 
Safety – Her safety is one of my top priorities. Daily, I throw up little prayers for her safety.
What kind of obstacles do you as the mom experience? 
There are many obstacles that I experience being self-employed and working from home as well as being a homeschool mom, but the number one obstacle is time. Time management is a daily challenge making sure that everything gets done on-time and properly. There are days when the To-Do list is done with only a few items remaining and there are other days when getting half way through the list is an accomplishment. Working daily on time management makes multitasking and prioritizing key skills.
What obstacles do you think your children face? 
I think the main obstacle that my daughter faces is focusing on the task at hand and not concerning herself with what is yet to come. She tends to get ahead of herself (which I can completely relate to since I do as well) and may not always give her all in her current task.
Do you ever fear you're not enough for your children? 
Without sounding conceded, no, I do not fear that I am not enough for my child. I feel that my husband and I know our child better than anyone and that with God’s guidance, we will be exactly who we need to be for her.
is there anything you wish you had done differently before having kids?
 Focusing on getting out of debt faster than we did.
what do you wish you had done differently as a new mom? 
There is always different things that we all wish that we would have done differently as new moms, but the two that stick out the most is becoming self-employed before we had our daughter and making sure that we introduced more vegetables before fruits when she first started eating.
What is the most important thing you want your children to know? 
To know God.
What would be your number 1 piece of advice for a new mom? 
Trust that you are enough for your child and that you will know what is best.
what has been the hardest part of motherhood? 
Hopeful that I am preparing our daughter enough to be an independent and self-assured adult who is strong in her faith, generous, and steadfast to take on life’s challenges.
what has been the most rewarding part of motherhood? 
For me, the most rewarding part of motherhood is that I am there to witness it all. It is such a joy to sit back and watch her discover new challenges and figure them out for herself.
Lastly, if you could put an end to the mommy wars by saying 1 sentence - what would it be?
 As parents, you know what is best for your child so, stop comparing your children and your household to others.


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