Motherhood Series- Part 8 Devin

Tell us a little bit about your journey to motherhood.
Honestly for the longest time I didn't even think I wanted kids. When I met my husband in college I knew he wanted kids because it came up pretty soon after we started dating. And for real I can't say that I gave it much thought as to what it meant that he wanted kids and I was on the fence. When we did really talk about it and he really wanted them I obviously decided we should. Which makes it funny that when it came down to decided when we should start trying I had to decide

Think back to your life before kids, how did you picture motherhood?
Very cutesy. I wasn't even into instagram but I think how motherhood is represented there is what I thought. I didn't think about or even realize the frustration and anxiety that can come with it.

Is your reality of motherhood how you pictured it would be?
Some parts yes. I love him so much. I'd do anything for him. Some parts like how frustrating he can be or how anxious I can be thinking about random things like how I'll handle bullying.

Describe your feelings the day you became a mom
I was both overwhelmed and underwhelmed. I had been so sick my entire pregnancy that I never had the opportunity to just be happy about him. That shining light at the end of the tunnel of 40 weeks wasn't "yay my baby will be here" it was "I'll finally quit puking 24/7". So when he came was I was just sort of in shock. Like, wait a second. What am I supposed to do now?

tell us your funniest parenting moment?
Maybe not a particular moment but watching him dance to songs is just the best. It's so adorable and hilarious.

tell us your grossest moment?
He was probably about 2 months old and I was sitting in bed with him on my chest, his head sort of on my shoulder and I was patting him because I had just nursed him. He puked ALL down my back and it was so much that it pooled all over the bed behind me. Ugh.

What scares you the most about raising your children in the world today?
Internet bullying. The internet period.

What kind of obstacles do you as the mom experience being a mom?
My husband is a fire fighter so I experience at least 9 or 10 36 hour periods alone with no backup. He works a 24 hour shift and then goes to his second job during the work week. Having to wait until 1:30PM the NEXT day when you're just DONE at around 3 or 4 is just over-whelming.

Do you ever fear you're not enough for your children?
Of course! I worry I'm not not going to prepare him for the world the right way. I want him to be happy. I want him to excel at whatever he chooses to do at life but I also want to prepare him for failure so he can handle it gracefully

What are some ways your kids show you that you are enough?
He wants me the most when he gets hurt or scared.

is there anything you wish you had done differently before having kids?
Traveled. I wish I had gone to Europe once.

what do you wish you had done differently as a new mom?
Soaked it in more. Recorded more videos of things. Kept a journal of the little things.

What is the most important thing you want your children to know?
That whatever they choose to be in this world it's enough for me that they're happy. And maybe can pay their own bills.

What would be your number 1 piece of advice for a new mom?
Keep a journal.

what has been the hardest part of motherhood?
Fear of so many things. Not preparing him enough. Knowing I can't protect him for ever. Knowing he might get hurt some day.

what has been the most rewarding part of motherhood?
Just watching him grow. I'm fascinated every time he learns something new.

Lastly, if you could put an end to the mommy wars by saying 1 sentence - what would it be? We're all just trying to do our best, and a little compassion goes a long way.


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