Insanity/Shakeology Review + Before and After pictures!

I started the Insanity fitness program on August 5th 2013 and I completed the program on October 18th 2013. Here are my incredible results and an in depth look at where I started and where I finished. Mentally, physically and spiritually. 

1.  Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?

~My biggest weight struggles started back in December of 2009 when my beautiful little girl was born! Having 24lbs of pregnancy weigh didn't seem so bad, but for some reason instead of losing it I went the other way. By my daughters 2nd birthday I was almost THIRTY pounds heavier than I was the day she was born. Before I started Insanity (August 2013), I was overweight (ok, obese.. there I said it, I was obese!) over tired, over sized for my clothes, and just OVER being stuck in my own body. I felt like a prisoner of my own body, it was miserable! I looked 10 years older than I was, I am only 26 for crying out loud! I was still wearing maternity pants because nothing else fit me. I could barely bend over because my stomach was so big. I sounded winded when I talked. I hid from the world. I was too embarrassed for people to see me, I did everything I could to avoid leaving the house. It was a really dark time for me

2.  What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?

~After struggling with fertility problems, I decided to quit avoiding the doctors to get to the root of the problem. That is when we discovered I have an under active thyroid (hypothyroidism), which makes weight loss that much harder to achieve. I knew I had to do something. My body was in shambles and I certainty was not helping myself by staying overweight! (ok. ok. Obese) When I got home from the doctors that day I stood in the mirror and starred at myself. Crying, angry, sad, depressed, thinking to myself "how could I let this happen, what has happened to me. Where is the real Ashley hiding under this fat suit". That was the day I reached my breaking point. My husband deserved the best version of his wife, my daughter deserved the best version of her mom, just as importantly I deserved the best version of myself. I did not want to be weak anymore! I was ready to show my strength and prove that I could over come this!

3.  What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?

~Fitness & Commitment were words that I never used in the same sentence. I was the classic band wagoner. I was so worried of falling into that pattern again. At first, every day was a struggle to get motivated, to put on my work out clothes and press play. I had to keep my goal in mind, I just had to keep focusing on my goal! On the days I really struggled, I would next to me. There sat a beautiful little girl who was taking in the world around her. What was I teaching her by not sticking to my commitments? What was I teaching her by not taking care of my health? I did not want her to ever experience the pain and embarrassment I felt everyday. So, I got up, put on my work out clothes, and pressed play! My beachbody coach, like she could read my mind. On my rough days right as I was about to skip my workout, I would get a motivating message from her. She helped keep me motivated and going! Made me feel like I wasn't alone in this journey! Something I never got before!

4.  Why did you choose this particular program?

~I wanted to go big or go home. I knew Insanity would be the hardest program I have ever done. I frankly didn't even know I was going to be able to do it because I was so out of shape. I also knew, Insanity never failed to deliver amazing results. That's exactly what I needed, amazing results! I knew if I could challenge myself to complete this program, I would be able to feel good about myself again. I would feel good because I would lose weight, but I would also feel good that I achieved something a lot of people can't/don't achieve. After feeling so down on myself for almost 4 years, I needed a boost. Something to be proud of and prove myself. I knew Shaun T was the one to help me meet my goal.

5.  What in particular did you like about the program you chose

~This may sound like an odd answer, but I liked how hard it was. I liked knowing I was achieving something I never knew was possible. I never ended a workout wondering if I put enough in, it was all over my red face I had indeed put enough in. Every. Single. Workout! Due to how challenging the work out was, I stopped focusing on weight loss, and focused on abilities. "This work out I WILL do an extra push up" "I WILL jump higher this time" "I will make it to the water break without stopping". It helped me forget about my weight and for duration of the workout really let me get In touch with my body and push it further than I thought I could go. Shaun T is such a motivating trainer! I found myself yelling "Come yall, let SGOOOOOO".

6. Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?

~Results, results, results! Did I mention results?! They were phenomenal, literally jaw dropping results!  In 9 (very) short weeks I lost 40.8lbs, 49 1/4 total inches and 15% body fat! Nothing short of amazing! I knew Insanity was the right choice for me! I went from getting winded walking up stairs, to jogging up them without a problem. From weak spaghetti like arms, to doing pushups like a champ. My cardiovascular abilities and lung capacity improved so much that I knocked TEN minutes off my 5k time. I went from stretchy and maternity pants, to PRE PREGNANCY jeans! From barely being able to bend over, to doing proper form toe touches. What I am most proud of, the high fives I got from my OB and Endocrinologist when they saw my weight loss. They were so impressed with my results they were just about speechless!

7. How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?

~Since completing Insanity my life has done a complete 180! I went from that depressed girl having a break down in the doctors office to smiling every time I walked past a mirror. I stopped hiding in the shadows, behind the shopping carts, under baggy t shirts. I could confidently leave the house without the constant fear of running into somebody I knew that would see how big I was. I felt more affectionate, playful, energetic, but most importantly, HAPPY! I finally could find inner happiness again. It was an amazing feeling, a feeling I desperately missed before Insanity came into my life. Health and fitness no longer seemed like a chore in my life, it became an important daily part of my routine. Something I actually looked forward to doing. I no longer craved fatty, sweet, or processed foods. I haven't been through a drive thru in so long, haven't tasted breaded deep fried foods, or heavy desserts.. and you know what? I don't miss any of it one bit!!

8. How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey

~My coach was amazing. She always had this genuine caring demeanor that I loved. She helped me meal plan, she listened to me whine when it seemed too hard. She motivated me on my weak days. Reached out to me even if I was having a hard time in my personal life. It was so helpful knowing I had that support, in every aspect of my life from my coach. Almost like having a personal cheerleader, therapist, but most importantly a friend through it all! Had it not been for her help and support, I am not sure I would have made it through!

9.  How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?

~Shakeology was a miracle! It helped me fight off cravings, kept me full, gave me the convenience I needed on days I was rushed.  My body felt like it functioned better, I had more energy, could focus better, move easier, sleep easier, when I had time to relax I could actually relax! My body felt so different in a way I never had before, I loved it!


10.  How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program affect any existing health conditions you have?

~The year prior to starting Shakeology and Insanity I had started getting something called "Cluster Headaches".  They are these incredibly intense and painful localized headaches that would hit you like brick, in the snap of a finger you could be feeling fine to your head hurting so bad you can barely keep your eyes open. They could last for minutes, to hours, to days to weeks! I would get them for almost a full week at a time. Pain medications also, did not help due to the fact these are caused by inflammation. So for a week straight I suffered with these horrible headaches. Since Shakeology, I have not got one single Cluster Headache. Not one!!  I went from getting them every 2 or 3 weeks to never getting them. My nails were so weak from my hypothyroidism they were constantly breaking. Since Shakeology, my nails got so much stronger I actually have length on them now! Its amazing how one simple change has changed so much!

11.  Did you achieve any other measureable improvements with a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program? (e.g. Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, triglycerides, etc...)

~By the end of the 9 weeks on Insanity and Shakeology my thyroid and TSH levels began to level out. My fertility problems also began to show improvement! Which is a huge deal, because usually once your fertility weakens, that's where it stays.

12. What tips or tools did you find most useful? What made them so instrumental

~Having a personal coach was without a doubt the most useful tool by far! Having that personal one on one makes all the difference in the world! From motivation, support, meal planning and someone to share your struggled with that was willing and happy to listen to it. It is something you cannot get anywhere else! The team beachbody membership was another helpful tool. Any questions you had you were sure to get a fast response to! It also is a great tool for keeping track of your progress. I had a tendency to write down my weight and measurements on a piece of paper, then lose it somewhere! Not a problem with team beachbody!

Still trying to decide if its worth the investment?! I am your average 26 year old wife, mother, and busy business owner living on a tight budget. I made it work and look at my results? It is possible! Need help trying to financially fit in it? I cant help! Need motivation? I can help! Need someone who has been through it before to help you through? I have been there!! Take the first step in the right direction to change your life. You will never regret putting your health as a priority!


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