Where I am on my journey.

Halfway through the 21 Day Fix program, I started having some pregnancy complications and was told not to work out until the symptoms went away. That lasted about a week before I unfortunately miscarried and was not allowed to workout for another week while my body went through the process.  I still ate clean, drank my shakeology and juiced during this. Sure, I found myself comfort eating from time to time but, it was in moderation.  Since it had been a couple of weeks I decided to start over from the beginning instead of picking up where I left off. 

Its pretty crazy how quickly your body can change in 2 weeks time. My stamina was not what it was before. My muscles definitely lost their strength because man, was I sore after my first work out back! Hurts so good ;) 

So, follow along over the next 21 days to see my results with the 21 day fix! Well, 21 days from Monday. This week I am working on building my stamina back up so by Monday my body will be ready to take this program on to the max!!


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