Can you smell the failure?!

Epic fail this past week..

I had big plans. My first week in P90 was going to be awesome. We were going to do the 6 day quick start and not miss a workout.... That's not exactly how the week went though. 

Sunday was meal prep day as usual. Only problem was, I woke up Sunday feeling death. No biggie. I have an amazing husband who stepped in to take that over so I could rest. 

Monday rolled around- I managed to do my workout (bad idea though, I coughed up a lung when I was done. Lungs weren't quite ready for that) followed the meal plan pretty well for the first but, since I was sick I didn't eat everything bc it hurt to swallow and also I didn't have an appetite.

Tuesday- my little one wakes up sick. All you parents out there know just what happens on the days you have a sick youngen on your hands. Yep, you guessed it. Nothing! So, I didn't get my workout in. Eating was pretty good though!

Wednesday- oh Wednesday.. It was a hard day emotionally. I drug myself out of bed long enough to take Savannah to school and run a few errands. I didn't workout. I didnt eat terrible but I did not eat the 6 day plan that day either.

Thursday- I wanted to use as a make up day. So, I doubled on my workouts. Ate
great and it was a success! 

Friday- Started out with the best intentions. Breakfast and lunch went as planned. My intention was to workout that night but, apathy and gluttony got the best of me. Ended up getting a pizza and not working out 🙈

Saturday- while my eating was good, I got busy and before I knew it, it was bedtime! Which means, no workout happened.

Sunday- birthday party... Need I say more? Lol

So, what does this shameful confession mean? Week 1 was a failure! I know I can't control getting sick so I'll cut myself some slack the beginning of the week. However, from the weekend on I have nothing to blame but myself! 

I get so frustrated with myself bc I know better! I know exactly what to do and how to do it. I made myself do it before and I frustrate myself that I didnt force myself to do better. 

What are the plans now? 
Re-do! We are all feeling better (minus my incredibly annoying cough) and ready to rock this! 
Today- we did our workout and ate healthy. Tomorrow we are starting the 6 day quick start over! We have everything we need and I have already prepped up our food! I know I can do this! The plan is amazing and not depriving. The workouts are fabulous!

I have had some amazing burns from the workouts! My husband and I figured out why to! It's because the moves are more doable. Yes, it's slower paced. Since it's doable though, I was able to do the moves properly and effectively. Which means I am getting the optimum benefits from the workouts. Where as before, I was sloppy trying to keep up with the moves. I wasn't getting the full effect. Now, I am! Which just goes to show, you don't have to go extreme to yield amazing results! 

On an odd note, my P90 dvd reads in my blu ray player as "from the sea to the land beyond" 😂


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