Once an Addict Always an Addict?

I was talking to one of my challengers the other day and she said something to me that just clicked. She asked how I was and I mentioned I felt a bit like a hypocrite bc I had gained some weight back after losing it all and here I am helping others and representing a healthy lifestyle when I still struggle to eat right some days. Her response was dead on.

"Don't feel like a hypocrite! It helps me to know that you are just like me. We will always battle with our weight. Junk food is a drug that is very addictive. Once an addict always an addict. It's ok to fall off but once you have your moment then just pick yourself back up and do it again."

She was so right! These words rang true to me especially today when I had an aha moment! I had just ate my snack, a blueberry cereal bar (not totally clean but a relatively healthy snack none the less). I finished it and wasn't at all hungry anymore. Yet, I found myself fighting the urge to go back in the kitchen to get another one. Why? Simply because it tasted good and wanted more of it. That was my aha. "Once an addict always an addict"- she was right. Here I was perfectly fine physically without it but mentally, I was about to mindlessly eat more for one reason only.. It tasted good. Yep, food addict. That's what I am. I always will be one too. Those old habits can creep right up on you in a flash and before you know it.. All logic is out the window.

Recognizing this is going to be huge in moving past it! Had I not just talked with my challenger about that, I probably would have eaten more than I needed. I didn't though. That little voice popped in my head and gave me the reminder I needed to not lose focus and stay the course!

It is so important to focus on long term, not in the moment! Remembering you are worth it, your goals are important and your health matters will really go a long way!



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