21 Day Fix Week 1 Results!

So, I finally decided to fully commit to the 21 day fix. I would start it before and skip workouts and didn't follow the meal plan because it was different than what was in my comfort zone. T25 has been my go to workout for months now! I didn't want to switch away from my time with Shaun T! But, all good things must come to an end!

I had been seeing so many awesome transformations from the 21 Day Fix so, I decided it was time for the switch and time to commit fully to it!

Boy am I glad I did! I not only stepped outside my comfort zone I got stronger and got awesome results from it!

So. My week 1 stats:
-3.8 lbs
-4.5 inches 
-4% body fat.

Wait what?! I lost all of that in a week?! Yep! I certainly did!

Where I struggled the most:

💠Weights with cardio I had a little bit of a hard time. Not because it wasn't doable but, because I quickly discovered I lost proper form with the weights when I was doing a cardio move. So, making a more conscious awareness of my form will be my week 2 assignment! 

💠 knowing when to modify. I am stubborn and sometimes will push myself too far where my form gets sloppy just bc I don't want to modify. Well, here's a cold hard fact sloppy form= little to no results. It is so much more important to do less/slower reps while maintaining proper form than it is to have bad form. I know this. I have known this from the beginning yet, I still hear that nagging voice "you don't need to modify".. Well guess what folks, I do! There is no shame and you will still see awesome results modifying. 

💠 changing my eating habits! While my calorie range didn't change any, my food groups did! I realized I have really been going to town on my fruit consumption! Yes, it is possible to over eat healthy foods too! I also discovered I was under consuming the right amount of protein! I didn't feel hungry at all with the meal plan, it just took a little adjusting to make sure I are the right amount from each food group!

What is helping me the most:

💠 to put it easy, everything!! Following the meal plan I feel more energetic, I rest better, my body feels awesome, lighter, less bloated just all over better! I am less hungry also! The workouts- let me tell you I feel so much definition coming out. My arms, thighs and abdomen need the most tone work and I can definitely see it already! 

All in all, week 1 was a HUGE success! Into week 2 I go! Hoping week 2 will be just as successful and I will be able to push myself even harder! Pay closer attention to proper form! 

Total body cardio fix is on the agenda for today!

Interested in the 21 day fix? Visit here to learn more and to get yours!


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