Transformation Tuesday!

I've shown you so many before and after full body shots of myself I wanted to share a different one. It is easy to see a difference in your waste etc but, it's less noticed (well, paid attention to when discussing transformations) in your face!

Haha in yo face! Ok, I'm done being immature now.. Moving on ;) 

My husband and I do everything together. We are that obnoxiously (I'll say adorable but, I'm biased) sickening couple. We have done everything from gaining weight to losing weight together. Looking at our transformations together is such an eye opener! (He really does love me no matter my size ;) )

I never noticed how different the extra weight on my face made me look. Until I compared close ups. My entire face from eyes, to cheeks, to mouth and overall color has changed so much! I feel like I look like an entirely different person! Which was proven true when I ran into one of my neighbors at the store and she said "oh my goodness Ashley! I didn't even recognize you! If it wasn't for your smile I would have never realized it was you!" - some people find remarks like that annoying, I happen to love them!! Just shows my hard work has paid off and people take notice of it! 

My husband and I always look at our before and afters in awe! When we were heavier we didn't really notice how different our faces looked being heavier. Even after losing weight just looking in the mirrors we didn't notice it. Until we put pictures side by side (again, the importance of having before and after photos!)

Losing weight together has strengthened our relationship so much! Looks aside, we feel better! We feel better about ourselves and feel more energize, less cranky, irritable, lazy and self conscious. All those put together can be a recipe for disaster! Since losing weight all of those little irritations don't bother us. We are more adventurous. For example, today we jogging through 3 miles of nature trails! Something we would never have done before because it required energy and endurance that we didn't have. Now we do! So, we feel better and so more fun things together and as a family! It's so freeing! Not only that, losing weight together and sometimes getting to work out together gave us something new to bond over. We fought our internal battles with ourselves together. We overcame so much and celebrated in our success together! It's been an amazing thing!

I know so many people are scared to workout in front of their partner because they feel self conscious! I used to be that way too! I can now say from experience, It can only strengthen you! Seeing that determination and hard work is an attractive quality! I thought he was watching my (former) belly jiggle during my workouts but, turns out he was watching my determination! 


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