What keeps me motivated!

I get asked a lot "what motivated you to get started and what keeps you motivated?". I honestly have many "reasons" why I started but, those reasons weren't my motivation. They were just facts for example, I didn't feel good. Not feeling go...od didn't really motivate me, it just made me want to lay in bed. What really motivated me is quite simple, my husband and daughter.

What example was I setting for my daughter with the way I was eating? She was learning her eating habits from me, it is my job to teach her to eat healthy and how to take of herself. It's hard to teach that when you yourself are doing the exact opposite. I was so heavy and miserable I didn't have the energy to chase after her constantly and to play. All she wanted was her mommy to run around outside playing hide and seek with her but, her mommy was to uncomfortable to do it because she wasn't taking care of her body. Serious mommy guilt there! It wasn't fair to her, my weight was holding me back. Not just from my parenting duties, my wife duties!

I didn't want to go out on dates or anything because I was too embarrassed. Not just for myself, I was embarrassed for my husband to be seen with me. Yes, it was that bad! I truly was not living life because I was so wrapped up in my self loathing I was letting everything pass me by as I watched from the couch. That was not the life I envisioned for myself or for my family.

Knowing if my habits continued ,I would lose years off my life didn't set right with me. That meant I would lose years of getting spend time with the 2 most important people in my life. That would also mean my cycle of unhealthy living would repeat itself through our children. I did not want that. I don't want Savannah to ever experience that discomfort, pain, and embarrassment I felt.

Anytime I feel like giving up. Anytime i find myself slipping back into my old habits, I give myself a huge slap back to reality. I remember the "life" I was living then and how vastly different it was from the life I am living now!

Days like today keep me more motivated than ever! We combined being active and family fun into one! We set out for a fun hike but, it turned into a jog through the nature trails, jumping over branches (made it a little obstacle course) and climbing hills. Then we came home and did our work out for the day, Upper Fix. We had fun, we were active, and got exercise! I did however rolls my ankle on the trails. This is why I don't run regularly, it's either rolled ankles or calve fractures.. I always manage to injure myself. (guess it's my talent lol). None the less, it was fun and definitely a great motivator!

What motivates you? Need some extra help? email me for help or visit my website to get started!


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