2013. Year In Review.

2013 has thrown some good, bad and down right devastating stuff our way. The year was a constant state of up and down. Never really seemed to stay in a calming straight line.
Last year we started a new tradition. We call it our new years jar. Throughout the year we write down all the good things that have happened over the year. On New Years Eve we open it and reflect on all the good that happened during the year. Some of the things that made into this years jar, weight loss, running our first (3 in total) 5ks, Savannah learned to swim, we welcomed our handsome little fur baby Riley.. Many more!
Of course along with the good comes the bad. From unexpected an unexpected diagnosis, to trips to the ER, to deathS in the family, to emotionally trying times.  That's life though right? Must take bad along with the good. Expect the unexpected because tomorrow is guaranteed.
Now that 2014 is here we all find ourselves making new resolutions of what we want to accomplish this year. Every single year my number 1 resolution, weight loss. Every single year I failed to achieve it. Well, let me correct that. I did lose 25lbs one year by March! However, by December I had gained it all back...so, does that even really count? lol It was the same bit of failure every year I did not accomplish my goal. Until 2013 that is! 2013 was the beginning of my most successful journey to lose weight that also inspired my decision to become a beachbody coach! It wasn't some euphoric experience that brought me to this conclusion. It was a dark and painful journey that finally pulled me out of my old ways.
I went into 2013 with the goal of reaching my pre pregnancy weight.
 Shouldn't be too hard since my baby was born in 2009 right? Wrong! So, so wrong. Right after Savannah was born, I left the hospital with 24lbs of weight to lose.
 By her first birthday I only had an impressive 26lbs to lose.. Wait, what?!
By her 2nd birthday I had 50lbs to lose. yes, that's right FIFTY lbs.
My face looks like a totally different person. I don't even recognize myself.
 By her 3rd birthday I stayed at 50lbs to lose (well, at least I broke the previous years of gaining cycle right? lord...)
 Now, I had lost a few pounds here and there but I always gained them back. Well, by her 4th birthday (12/28/2013) I not only met my goal of pre pregnancy weight, I passed it!! We celebrated her birthday with me being 15lbs BELOW my pre pregnancy weight.
Here we are now at the beginning of 2014 and I am about to begin a brand new program, P90X3! I cannot be stopped!
Weight loss is not a ridiculous New Years resolution, as many people will make you think. The only think that makes it ridiculous is when you ignore you have a weight problem for years (ahem, see statements pictures above.. yes, I just called myself ridiculous. I am not blind to it.) and choose to ignore it and do nothing about it.  Need extra help? Contact me! I can help! Obviously, I have been there!


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