21 Days to a new you!

The 21 day fix is coming!!! 5 more days before this revolutionary program eggs released. What makes it so unique is that it comes with an amazing fitness program made of 30 minute work outs that will get you lean and mean, it also comes with portioned control meal planning. This program will include color coded Tupperware bowls. Each color is for each food group. Basically, if a food from that good group fits in the bowl.. You can eat it! How simple is that?!

Takes all the guessing out of it! Seriously cannot beat that!

Even better- the price!! 

To register for your FREE team beachbody account to be the first to know of the details and it's release! 

I will also be offering an exclusive test group for the 21 day fix. This test group will include easy to follow and delicious meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, support, accountability, tips, and motivation. If you would like more information on being part of the test group please email me at aporter8820@yahoo.com
Or send me a message on Facebook 


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