Transformation Tuesday

This week I wanted to have one of challengers do transformation Tuesday.  She has only been at this for a week now but after her first weigh she said something to me that really struck me. Something I have been trying and wanting everyone who asks me about what I did to lose weight to know.. She said "I have never got results like this before with anything I have done". Yep. Exactly what I have been trying to show everyone! So, I asked her a few questions for transformation tuesday. Lets remember, its not always a matter size difference, there are so many other transformations you go through during a lifestyle change!
A picture of us at the kids Halloween party lol
Here is what she had to say about her first week of drinking Shakeology and doing the T25 work outs.
Oh, did I mention she lost 7lbs and 3 inches her in one week?! Amazing!

How do you feel after the first week of the challenge?

-The first week was exciting but I was nervous. I've never stayed with a workout regime more than a few days. After week one, I feel great. I have more energy and my I can feel that I'm in a better mood.
Do you have more energy?
-I haven't had any caffeine and I've been getting up at 5:15AM to get in my workouts. With all of that, I still have a lot of energy.
Have you been able to notice results?
-I feel lighter and more confident. I can feel my body begin to change shape. 

Are you sleeping any better? -I have to get up throughout the night with my nine month old but even so, I feel more rested. 

Are your clothes fitting any different? -I haven't noticed a big change in the way my clothes are fitting but I know it's just a matter of time.
Have you got results like this before?
-I have tried weight watchers (with success) and running two years ago. I did not have this dramatic of results. This is the first time, however, that I have changed to more of a clean eating way of eating instead of a diet. I haven't counted calories as much as portioned controlled my meals and have been eating more small meals throughout the day. 

What is your favorite thing about the program so far? -I'm loving Shakeology!!! It is delicious and convenient, especially trying to get two little boys ready in the morning before going to work.


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