What is that Shakeology hype all about?

If you have ever done and looked into a BeachBody fitness program then you have probably seen and wondered "what the heck is shakeology, why all the hype, and why is so expensive?". You are not alone my friends. I myself had this same line of questioning when I first heard of it. I also hear this all the time from customers, so let me break it down for you.
My first question: Why is this so expensive? 

I came across this chart. Basically this chart shows you how much of your typical groceries you would need to equal the amount of vitamins and minerals in 1 single servings of shakeology. The breaks it down, how much 1 servings of shakeology is compared to cost of buying all those groceries for 1 servings of the same amount of nutrition. While, I found this to be pretty incredible I still was not convinced. So my next question:

Who can afford this stuff?
That is when I came across this chart. Comparing Americas typical daily food purchases to the price of shakeology. I know what you're thinking "Oh I don't spend that much in fast food", my first thought too. Until I actually went back through my bank statements and really added up how much money I had been spending in fast food, starbucks.. you get the picture. Frankly, it was an embarrassing number. You don't think about it at the time, oh its just $5 for lunch. Think how quickly that adds up when you are doing it daily! The cost of shakeology comes in lower than daily eat out trips. Not only in price but calories and fat!

Ok, well that certainly answered my question about who could afford it. I  definitely could if I broke up with starbucks and fast food. However, I still wondered what makes shakeology different from some of the cheaper options out there? So, I read this (man they have a chart for everything dont they?! lol)

Sold!! Losing weight isn't just about seeing a smaller number on the scale, its about getting healthier! Most people will essential vitamins and mineral in the process of losing weight. Which is why shakeology definitely stood above the rest for me! It offers most, not to mention the ONLY totally natural option.

So, began my crazy love for Shakeology! It not only tastes amazing its good for me. Win win right? Ok ok enough sales pitch, lets get down to why I chose to continue drinking shakeology. What has it really done for me? Well, I can tell you several things.
Shakeology has eliminated or improved
My cluster headaches- totally gone
Migraines- HUGE improvement
Hypothyroidism- My labs are finally in a normal range!
Hair, skin, and nails- HUGE improvement! My nails no longer break and peel like they used to!
Concentration and sleep- HUGE improvement. I can focus easier and my body actually allows me to relax again
Muscle recovery- It is so rare that I get sore from a hard work out these days. I used to stay sore for days after a hard work out. Not anymore!
Cravings- GONE! I do not crave junk food at all anymore!
Weight loss- Definitely has been a huge factor in helping me lose weight!

These are just things I have seen and felt myself. Who knows whats changed on the inside also, blood sugar, alkaline, cholesterol, blood pressure etc. I just feel healthier and that for me is priceless.
With the improvements it has made for me, I have ended up saving money on prescriptions and pain reliever. Saved money on skin and nail care products since I don't need them anymore. Also, saved on the junk food binges I used to go on!

The newest addition to the shakeology family. The brand new strawberry flavor also the new Neapolitan box, that comes with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry! 

Want to find out more about shakeology? Email ashleylaurenphoto@yahoo.com or head over here to order yours!


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