Meal Prepping - Freezer Crock Pot Meals Edition

This year I have made it one of my resolutions to cook more. We are your typical "what sounds good to you?" "Oh, I don't know. what sounds good to you?" family. This goes on until it is too late to cook anything decent. Which leads to drive thrus, pre package meals.. garbage basically. So, this year I am eliminating that issue. How? The world of freezer crock pot meals!

Friday or Saturday night once my husband and little one are in bed (I am a night owl and the only one in this house too lol) I sit down and plan out our meals for the next week and make a shopping list, so I do not forget anything. Luckily for my challengers, they get access to my meal plan, recipes, and shopping list. I find this to be the easiest method of cooking healthy family dinners. When you are busy with work or if you're like me and just don't like cooking. My husband, little one and challengers agree!

Sundays are my shopping and prep days. I take my shopping list and I do NOT stray from the list. This is crucial in following budget and also following the best eating guidelines. When I get home, instead of putting groceries away I start my prepping. I can prepare an entire weeks meal in less than 2 hours. All it takes are some freezer bags, prep and a mixing bowl. Minimal clean up during prepping which makes for minimal clean up when you cook it also.

 Man, my weeks just got a whole lot easier! Why didn't I start this years ago?!


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